Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bush and his legacy

Bush started his legacy surrounded by controversy. His election in 2000 had to be decided by a court because Algore had the same number of votes as Bush. The jury had decided to favor Bush. After the September 11th attack to both the World Trade Centre and to the Pentagon, Bush declared a War on Terror with the invasion of Afghanistan to prevent the Taliban to support Al-Qaeda which is the terrorist group created by the most wanted Western enemy Bin- Laden (in Bush's words). In march 2003, against the will of the UN, there was a meeting between Bush, Tony Blair, Jose Maria Aznar and Manuel Barroso (called the Azores summit), and with the support of the three Governments London, Madrid and Lisbon, America invaded Iraq with the excuse that Saddam had Weapons of Mass destruction (proven to be false now). Iraquian people do now recognize that they would be better with Saddam Hussein rather than with a civil war happening provoked by the americans and the allied forces. For the last 4 years Iraq has became a chaos with hundreds of people being killed everyday. Iraq has now to face a civil war. Bush and his ideology of creating a democracy over the region are at risk. In 2006, the president of Iran and North Korea announced a nuclear program. North Korea is now known to be testing nuclear missiles over the Japan sea. Meanwhile Bush can not initiate another war involving Iran because he does not have anymore the public support to invade it. Furthermore the American Congress has an initial intention to remove all the American troops from Iraq and this may represent an indication of what the congress thinks about bringing about another war.

Bush said that there is no space for the Kyoto agreement within the American economy and the global warming is not a priority for him. Thousands of scientists worldwide are having every year more proves that the human being needs to start acting now to prevent carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. This can provoke serious consequences for the environment since the Earth’s temperature might significantly elevate to 6 degrees Celsius till the end of century which can be catastrophic.
Is incredible how can a single man provoke so many damages over the world in only 7 years and his legacy is not over yet. He has created more distance between west and east. He has seriously damaged the UN organization; he does not sign climate agreements; he says to the rest of the world that America rules the globe and everyone with a different opinion is an enemy. He has weapons of mass destruction but he does not allow countries like Iran or North Korea to possess it. I perfectly understand these leaders position. I do not agree with nuclear weapons, and no one should have them, not even America. But how does Bush expect a different reaction from these two countries when he is constantly threatening them with a potential invasion. Iran and North Korea are trying to say to Bush that they are not Iraq and that America should not even think to invade them because they know how to defend themselves.


newshound said...

One thing is for sure, he won't be forgotten, he is a key figure our modern history, love him or hate him.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.