Olivenza is a Portuguese province illegally occupied by Spain. The Spanish had occupied this Portuguese land when they tried with Napoleon conquer Portugal. But with Portugal old allied England, the Portuguese managed to once again expulse the Spanish from its borders apart of Olivenza. But why did Spain and France sign an agreement to conquer Portugal? That is simple! Portugal is the oldest England’s ally and when Napoleon order to all European Countries to close their ports to England, Portugal said no to Napoleon. After Napoleon's defeat, European countries met in Vienna to redraw Europe to its original political map. So in this agreement Spain agreed to return Olivenza to Portugal but that never happened so far. Worse than that 20 years after the Vienna treaty Spanish had forbidden people to use Portuguese language in Olivenza including churches. Therefore Portuguese authorities do not recognize Spanish sovereignty over olivenza territory. Nevertheless that is not enough. What are the Portuguese authorities waiting for to act?! Portuguese people are tired of the constant abuse from the Spanish authorities over the 9 centuries of Portuguese history. It is time for someone to do something. Olivenza is not a small town; it is almost the same size of Madeira Island with eleven thousand people living in it. Portuguese authorities can not give it to Spain without any form of recompense.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
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I've been in Olivença some time ago and its amazing the number of portuguese stuff they have there, in the streets and in the buildings.
But what do you think they should do with the people that lives there? If you ask them, they will tell you that they are spanish and to stay thay away.
Dear guest:
thank you for your participation.
The fact is that your are right, the people living overthere must have the last word...however you dont know what do they think about it. Do you? Was there any referedum?
Anyway, people living on borders use to be bilingual because they can interact with both countries and have family and friends from both sides. Be defenetly Portuguese is just a point of burocracy and money, because they will never lose the feeling of live in the border.
I realy do feel sorry for this subject don't be more mediatic to be published on press.Can be possible, to become this subject much more alive, there's no jornalist or mediatic actions (as Maddie parents did)to come up with this impressing situation?The funny thing is the desinformation about the recent history in Olivença.I'm beeing looking on internet about the mysterious isssues on XIX/XX to realy realy know, more than what spanish say, about Olivença.A young Art History of Portugal enthusiastic.
You can't just take a piece of land... oppress its people... and then when their children forget what you've done... pretend like you're in the right.
Spain took it ILLEGALLY
Spain oppressed it ILLEGALLY
Spain promised to give it back, and never did ILLEGALLY
Spain modified it to their own needs.. brainwashing it ILLEGALLY
... and now? They should keep it ILLEGALLY?
lol This is some sort of joke, right?
It's not just the region of Olivenca that was occupied by the Castillian Spanish, lets not forget Galicia and our Galician brothers who are also striving to free themselves from the Castillian invaders and restore Lusitanian hegemony.
Hello such foolish guy. My family is from Olilvenza. I have a noble house in the heart of the city and a rural property with iberic pigs and cows of 2.000.000 square metres. I live in Madrid and if you want to know for sure if it is spanish or not I would be pleased to invite you to the first and most important CORRIDA DE TOROS of Spain. This would be the first weekend in march. Nobody wants to know about his portuguese origin, nobody feels but spanish. I must assure you that there are few places in Spain so wonderful and so spanish as Oliveza. But you must know, portuguese fellow, that every person in Portugal wants to be spanish. I think we must rejoin your little and poor country again because we are brothers and we must be always toguether. But you should stay in the UK, the place of no land people.
I am Portuguese,the peninsulta would be better off united. The reason Portugal is separate from Spain was because of money: son wants tax for himself. Who cares if Portuguese book bacalhau differently, same people, same blood goes back more than 40,000. Never mind what happen the last 1000 years.
Forca Iberia!
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